Why are we the best choice to be your training partner? 

We teach what we do.

We have a thriving consultancy focused on data science including data analysis and visualization as a service, data science development, quality assurance consulting, and data science training. Most of the training courses we deliver have been authored entirely or in part by Fulcrum Forge principal consultants, but for everything we teach, we take time to learn the flow of the curriculum to make sure the class is skillfully delivered and anchored in real-world experience with examples and scenarios drawn from our consultancy. In short, if we don't do it, we don't teach it. We add experience-based value to every class we deliver.  

We help you take your career to the next level.

We understand that there are different reasons professionals seek training, and we’re prepared to help with all of them. Whether you’re reskilling to get a new job in a data visualization or data science field, upskilling to advance in your current career, or just looking to get your current project done successfully, we’re here to help you. We take a consultative approach to every class and every student we teach to deliver the best value to you. If you’re going for a certification, we can help with that. If you have an important presentation to prepare, we can help with that too. If you have a data science project you’re working on, we can give you advice on that as well. We’re here to help you.

We help training fit your busy professional life.

Making time for training, and staying focused while in class is a barrier to professional training. While it's good to get students out of their day-to-day life and to immerse them in a new technology, often, it's just not realistic with other work priorities. People may come late to class, leave early, or just not pay attention because they have to deal with other work priorities.

To help our students make time for training, and get the most out of it, we do the following:

  • We let you attend our classes from anywhere. We offer virtual classes using world class software through Zoom and deliver digital handouts and other content through Google Drive. We deliver classes anywhere there is an Internet connection.

  • We offer follow up support during and after the class. Borrowing the tried and true practice from higher education, we offer pre-defined times after classroom hours on training weeks to answer questions, and provide additional guidance. We also hold office hours weekly for two weeks following course delivery. In addition, we provide email Q&A for 30 days post class. That way, you can ask questions once you're using the knowledge and skills you gained in class.

  • We respect the trainee's professional life, and keep students focused while in class. These are two different problems that have a single solution --reduced class hours. Most training centers run classes from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. They include an hour lunch and two half-hour breaks. So you spend the entire day in class (more when you count travel time to and from the training center). Of that 5.5 hours is spent in the classroom, and 2 hours is spent outside the classroom. Our classes are virtual, so there's no travel time. You can attend from home or the office, whichever lets you stay plugged in and focused. Moreover, our class hours are from 9:00-3:00 Pacific time, with a half hour lunch, and two 15 minute breaks. That's 5 hours of focused class time. We, and other online training centers, have used this formula successfully. This gives trainees back the start and end of day for email and other work related tasks. Moreover, cutting down the amount of class time helps students focus. We can often cover the same amount of course material more effectively because students aren't distracted by work tasks, and because our class time ends before learning fatigue sets in. Is there time for sidebars, additional questions, and discussion of personal scenarios? Absolutely, that's what office hours and email Q&A support are for.